Trump.Vote : Simple words joined with a DOT.

Reaching out to the world to sell this domain.

This domain name has been owned by the same person since 2015.
Selling this domain will jumpstart my own life, so I am waiting.

How To Contact

Live Video

You can visit this page that holds a LIVE VIDEO chat area. Of course, we have to be on the page to see one another at the same time.

Voice Message

Record and upload your voice to a small page made to handle that request. Being a webmaster has its helpfulness every once in a while.

Post Image

Choose a file and upload it with a name and message for me to see. So far the ability to pick ANY image you want, if a good tool.

Text Chat

Leave a message or chat live if we are on the page at the same time. A simple message board to leave a comment. .

See Live Video of Alex Jones

Alex Jones : Live Video Stream

Making the world a smarter place each day.

  • 15 minutes ago
  • $

One day, I typed in the wrong website address for Alex Jones by 1 letter. I typed in BANND.VIDEO and it did not go anywhere. Being a domain owner, and webmaster, I had websites with is live streams on them and thought it would be cool to have it for my own design. I was getting 500 people a day watching with me so I asked Alex's crew if they or him would buy it. They just said 'NO' and told me to remove his stream from BANND.Video. So I kept it.

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